Mental Health and Addictions

HappinessisThought Life is challenging enough. Living with depressive and anxiety disorders can be downright disabling. But , it doesn’t have to be that way. I can provide a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation and help you to identify the nature of mental health issues and a plan to overcome the symptoms that have been causing you so much duress. If necessary I have access to some of the finest medication providers in the area to help get you back on track both safely and effectively.



I have a lot of experience and great success working with young people who seem to be struggling making good decisions in their lives. Whether it be drugs and alcohol, mental health issues, or simply difficulty navigating their way through a very difficult time in their life, my experience and approach has helped many young people find a safe outlet to work through challenges.

Alcohol and Other Addictions

If you or others in your life are concerned that alcohol or other drugs have become problematic for you, addressing these concerns with a qualified professional can be an important decision. Lets have a private and confidential conversation to help you decide what course of action is right for you.

In some cases, medical intervention may be necessary. I have the background and experience to help you to navigate the confusing maze of addiction treatment and advise you on how to maximize your insurance benefits and resources. We can then form a plan of ongoing action to help you achieve a happy and healthy sober lifestyle. I have vast experience working with those who are already on the path of clean and sober living, including those active in twelve step recovery.